The AX083204 power converter accepts 24V, 36V or 48Vdc nominal input and provides 24Vdc, 240 Watts output power. It features input and output isolation as well as an enable signal. Typically, efficiency is 92%. Protections include: thermal protection for over temperature; Reverse battery; over and under-voltage protection; short circuit; and overcurrent protection. It operates from -40 to 85 °C (-40 to 185°F). The converter can be used in a current sharing configuration or as a redundancy solution for a parallel application. Axiomatic’s controls and converters are compliant for harsh electrical and outdoor environments with protection against surges, load dump, power transients as well as exposure to dust, water, humidity, and vibration.

Axiomatic designs controls and power converters for autonomous vehicles in industrial and mining applications.


  • Autonomous Vehicles including forklifts.
  • Industrial forklift automation.
  • Off-highway machine automation.

Contact: Amanda Wilkins, Chief Marketing Officer
TEL: +1 905 602 9270 x224
[email protected]

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